Online recipes

Chicken with Bean Salad

Rating: Recipe ratingRecipe ratingRecipe ratingRecipe ratingRecipe rating
2.94 out of 3012 votes

Course: Main course

Recipe Ingredients

  • 8 chicken breast fillets (115g each)
  • freshly ground white pepper
  • 4 tsp wholegrain mustard
  • 6 sprigs fresh tarragon
  • 8 thin slices back bacon, rinds removed
  • fresh tarragon or sage sprigs, to garnish
  • 4 tbsp white wine vinegar
  • 6 tbsp vegetable oil
  • 1 garlic clove
  • 4 (medium) onions
  • 1 420g can red kidney beans
  • 2 bunches fresh parsley

Recipe Instructions

- Season the chicken with pepper and spread with mustard. Pull the fresh tarragon leaves off the stems and sprinkle them on to the chicken breast fillets. Wrap one slice of bacon around each fillet and secure with a cocktail stick.
- To make the salad dressing, mix together the vinegar, oil and salt and pepper to taste. Finely chop the garlic and stir into the dressing.
- Finely chop the onions. Put the onions and beans in a bowl and pour over the dressing. Finely chop the fresh parsley and sprinkle over the bean salad.
-Grill the chicken breasts on the barbecue for about 6 minutes on each side. Serve with the kidney bean salad and garnished.

Entered by: Chris Entered: 01/09/2008

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