Online recipes

Flatjacks with Chocolate Chips

Rating: Recipe ratingRecipe ratingRecipe ratingRecipe ratingRecipe rating
2.99 out of 2823 votes

Course: Cake and biscuits

Recipe Ingredients

  • 225g margarine
  • 225g demerara sugar
  • 2 tblsp golden syrup
  • 275g rolled oats
  • 100g plain chocolate chips

Recipe Instructions

1. Pre heat oven to 160C/Gas 3.
2. Lightly grease a 30 x 23 cm roasting tin.
3. Melt the margarine in a pan with the sugar and syrup, then stir in the oats.
4. Mix well and leave to cool before stirring in the chocolate chips.
5. Turn out into the prepared tin and press flat.
6. Bake in the pre heated oven for about 35 minutes or until pale golden brown.
7. Remove from the oven and then leave to cool for about 10 minutes.
8. Mark into 24 squares and leave to go cold in the tin.

Entered by: Nicky Entered: 11/07/2008

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