Online recipes
banana chocolate crepes
2.98 out of 2901 votes
Course: Dessert
Recipe Ingredients
- 4 bananas
- nuttela or chocolate spread
- 150g flour
- 350ml milk
- 1/2 tsp sugar
- 1/2 tsp salt
- 1 egg
Recipe Instructions
sieve the flour add sugar salt n egg mixed until smooth then gradually add milk whisking constantly until a smooth batter .heat a frying pan until hot add tsp oil coat base of pan with batter mix flip once when golden brown , peel banana place inside crepe spoon over chocolate as desired , roll crepe around banana & sauce. place 2 on a plate heat gently in microwave for 10seconds . garnish mint leaf icing sugar sieved over the top.
Entered by: outlawz1973 Entered: 20/02/2011
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